3rd February (Week 2)

Samantha Yap (0321591)
Contextual Studies
Exercise; Pictures with strong meaning

In this class Mr Charles instructed us to find photos online that had deep meaning in them. I found this topic very interesting because I know that nowadays many photographers and graphic designers produce a lot of these type of images with controversial backstories.

The first image I found on Pinterest was this interesting photo of a person holding up a torn side profile of a women smoking next to his/her face. This intrigued me in many ways, the first being that it was kind of unclear of the gender of the person behind the photo.

I personally feel this photo means a lot because the artist was trying to explain that people often hide the real them from the world and put on a fake cover.

This image is a very good representation of how the media has been controlling what we see in the news and the depth of true stories. Hiding a lot of things the public should know about.

Finally, one of my favourite photos would be this one. It shows that even though education is important, it may not be enough to survive in the difficult world we live in today that's been infested with competition and rivalry.